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API Dictionary


This section provides a comprehensive glossary of terms and definitions used throughout the API documentation. It is designed to clarify technical concepts and ensure a better understanding of the API's functionality.

accessTokenA token generated to authenticate requests to other services.
expiresInThe lifespan of the token, measured in milliseconds or seconds.
refreshTokenA token used to renew the accessToken without the need to request credentials again.
clientIdA unique identifier assigned to a registered application for accessing the API.
clientSecretA secret key associated with the clientId to authenticate the application.
grantTypeThe method used to obtain the token. Example: authorizationCode or clientCredentials.
authorizationAn HTTP header containing the access token to perform authenticated requests.
scopePermissions or access levels associated with a token. Example: full or offlineAccess.
authorizationCodeA temporary code issued during the authorization flow to obtain an access token.
bearerTokenA type of token that allows access to protected resources via the Authorization header.

You can integrate this dictionary as a quick reference guide while exploring the API's endpoints and parameters. It ensures consistency and aids in better understanding of key elements and processes.
